Tabula Raster

Documentation and Tutorials

by Albie Kirby

work in progress

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Basic Notation The following is a table of basic operations that can be used in blends, filters, and tools alike:
Expression Output
a + b the sum of a and b
a - b the difference of a and b
a * b the product of a and b
a / b the quotient of a and b
a % b the remainder (modulo) when a is divided by b
a ^ b a to the power of b
a = b true iff a is equal to b
a > b true iff a is greater than b
a < b true iff a is less than b
a <= b true iff a is less than or equal to b
a >= b true iff a is greater than or equal to b
p & q true iff p is true and q is true
p | q true iff p is true or q is true
!(p) true iff p is false (NOT p)
True or
always true
False or
always false
if(P, t, f) t if P is true, f if P is false
root(a, b) the ath root of b
sqrt(x) the square root of x
ln(x) or
the natural logarithm of x
log(b, x) the logarithm of x to base b
sin(θ) the sine of θ
cos(θ) the cosine of θ
tan(θ) the tangent of θ
asin(x) the inverse sine of x
acos(x) the inverse cosine of x
atan(x) the inverse tangent of x
abs(x) the absolute value (modulus) of x
max(a, b) a if ab, or b if b > a
min(a, b) a if ab, or b if b < a
rand() or
a random number between 0 and 1 on a uniform probability distribution
rand(x) or
a random number between 0 and x on a uniform probability distribution
rand(a, b) or
random(a, b)
a random number between a and b on a uniform probability distribution
Filters and Blends